Maintain Your Smile for Life
Our retainer options include a choice of either fixed or removable retainers. No retainer is perfect and some adaptive changes in tooth position usually occur during the retention phase. There are pros and cons to each retainer type:
A removable, Invisalign clear retainer- Because it covers all of your teeth, it is a better choice. It needs to be worn full-time for the first 6-12 months, and then worn nightly for one year. After that, we recommend retainer wear of at least 3 nights per week indefinitely since your teeth are always moving. You must always keep the retainer in its case when not in use.
Fixed wire retainer - If compliance is an issue, a fixed retainer may be the better option. Parents and patients accept the fixed retainer acknowledging that it is only fixed to a certain number of teeth and that the unattached teeth are still susceptible to movement. Also, if adhesive becomes unattached to a tooth unknown to the patient, that tooth can move.
Remember, your retainer is not meant to last forever and will need to be repaired or replaced on occasion.